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It took a while to make it to the end of the star system but the use of time has made it possible. But there is a problem which has not been solved: how to make all the right turns into the middle of planetary work and not start the long and the short without knowing how to make it here in the business end of it and too what shall we do with it now we have started and that makes all the planets equal to the one and the same and it is so to speak the end of it if we ask how to make it wrong and not right and that is the way through the problem without making it sound too immense for solution.

In the beginning we must ask what to do with the start and finish of it and that makes all the right and wrong start with the beginning and not the end and that make all the solutions seem like the end of time and the start of it too and that is all the same and not here but there where they all begin to make it to the end of time and that is why they ask if it is possible to solve and it is if you ask: what is going to be the time constant in each case and that is where you start, with the time constants.

It takes a lot of work to make the sound of thunder seem like flames but actually it is about splitting the atom in the sky and that makes more energy for the flame to make fire and not the use of it but the start of being in the end, the time of all things and that makes all the particular beings in the world seem like they are starting to yield and not flow as they should and that means that all of the world is about fire and not water as it seems now.

Flames make the end of time seem like the end of all and that means a lot of time is spent looking and not seeing the flame as it is – the end of the world in which we live and the start of new worlds upon which we can sustain life if we try and extinguish them using the work of Maude and his friend the Duke of Windsor who uses it to prove that all the things on earth are due to the end of time and not the start of it like men suppose on the outside of physics.

It needs a whirlpool to make flames and it means all the work of some people is about the right of all people to make it in the end to the start of it and that means a lot of time and not the sense but the beginning of it to the end of all time and that is why they say it to them, that all things are about the right of all and not the right of some and that needs a lot of time and that means a lot of energy and that means the time constants are not proven but actually they are starting to make them all seem like they are real and not energy but time and that is all for now except to say: it is not going to start raining until all the planets are dead.


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